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Same Weather 1904 and Now

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

According to an old timer, “The more the weather changes, the more it stays the same. Except for that damn wind, which always blows.”

Our daughter, who lives north of Chicago, Ill., has been experiencing the worst weather during the last week of 2013 she’s seen in the past 30 years. While here in Saratoga, we’ve been having some of the nicest winter weather, except for that damn wind, we’ve experienced in a couple of decades.

According to an article in the Jan. 1, 1904 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald the same thing was happening over a century ago. Following is what the Herald editor reported. 

Some Facts Suggestive Of the Delightful Climate During the Month Past

“While friends who have the misfortune to spend the winter in Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburg and other eastern cities have been battling with fierce snow storms, way below zero weather and the elements in general, the people of Grand Encampment have even basking in the charm of a most delightful ‘spell of weather.’ December was ideal for September. With a few exceptions every day was warm, bright and balmy. 

“The weather has simply been Californiatic. To demonstrate the great truth, observations were made and recorded for the four days preceding press days, the thermometer hanging in the sun. Here are the figures, registering between the hours of 12 and two, and figures do not lie: Dec. 28 — 70 degrees; Dec. 29 — 58 degrees; Dec. 30 — 78 degrees; Dec. 31 — 60 degrees. 

“‘Pretty tough on the coal man,’ said Enky Joe, ‘when people close up their houses and sit out on the hitching posts for a sun bath.'”

This 1904 article is courtesy of “Grandma’s Cabin” of Encampment, a group dedicated to “preserving history — serving the community.” 

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