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Extension Education: The Power of Storytelling as an Effective Marketing Technique

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Effective marketing is one of the most crucial elements of running a successful business or operation.

Agricultural producers already have access to a wealth of marketing tools and resources including – but not limited to – university Extension faculty, online resources, educational seminars, business workshops, etc. 

While traditional marketing techniques are important to the success of an agricultural operation, one aspect of marketing is undertaught and underutilized – the power of storytelling. 

Building personal


Consumers today crave more than just a transaction, they desire connection. Particularly, connection to the people behind the products. They seek a purpose behind their purchases and want to feel the products they buy have meaning, not just for them, but for the broader community and environment. 

Consumers of the agricultural industry are no exception. 

What does this mean for agricultural producers trying to market their product? 

It means their target audience are no longer satisfied with simply purchasing food or goods. They want to know the story behind their production, the people who grow or raise their food and the values driving these operations. 

For agricultural producers, this creates an incredibly valuable opportunity to stand out by sharing the heart and soul behind their operation. 

Telling their story allows agricultural operations to foster deeper, more meaningful relationships with their customers. Whether it’s the history of a family ranch passed down through generations, the sustainable practices being used to care for the land or the challenges and rewards of raising livestock, every operation has a unique story that resonates with consumers. 

This personal connection helps build trust, loyalty and a sense of community, which can be more valuable than any financial investment. By making storytelling a key part of marketing strategies, agricultural operations can go beyond simply selling products – they can cultivate lasting relationships and a loyal customer base invested in the success of the operation and its future.

Creating a strong

digital presence

In today’s fast-paced world, having a strong digital or online presence is crucial for agricultural producers and their ability to market their story. 

Marketing and sharing an operation’s story through digital media such as a website or social media platform allows producers to showcase their authenticity, passion and dedication – qualities today’s consumers are actively seeking. 

A professional website acts as a digital storefront, offering customers an accessible place to learn about an operation’s services, products and values. Websites provide information to help build trust and credibility with both local and regional audiences. 

Social media platforms create even more opportunities for operations to engage directly with their consumers. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook offer agricultural operations the ability to share real-time updates, such as product availability, event information or daily activities. 

This kind of engagement builds a sense of community and connection with followers, who in turn may share the content with their friends and family, expanding reach. 

By sharing behind-the-scenes content, educational posts about agricultural practices or images showcasing daily life on the ranch, agricultural operations can create an authentic and relatable brand identity.

Marketing via investing in and learning about digital storytelling platforms such as websites and social media may be of great value to agricultural producers and enable operations to not only survive but thrive.

Brenna Litynski is the University of Wyoming Extension agriculture and natural resources educator serving Albany County. She can be reached at or 307-721-2571.

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