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Seven farms and ranches honored for 100 years of operation

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

The Wyoming Centennial Farm and Ranch Program honoårs families who have owned aånd operated the same farm or ranch for 100 years or more, and every Saturday during the week of Wyoming State Fair, the program partners with the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office, Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA), Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA), Wyoming Wool Growers Association, Wyoming Rural Electric Association, Wyoming Business Council (WBC) and Wyoming Livestock Roundup to recognize each year’s honorees.

This year, seven families and several esteemed individuals gathered in Douglas to celebrate the 2024 Wyoming Centennial Farms and Ranches. 

“This year, we are recognizing seven families who have thrived and persevered while ranching or farming on the same land in Wyoming for 100 years,” stated Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources Director Dave Glenn. “The history of the state is represented by these families who are caretakers of our land and storytellers of our history.” 

Opening remarks

Among those in attendance were Gov. Mark Gordon, U.S. Sens. John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis (both R-WY), WDA Director Doug Miyamoto, WSGA Executive Director Jim Magagna and WBC Agribusiness Development Manager Jill Tregemba. 

Before presenting the seven families with their awards, each of these individuals took the mic to offer their congratulations.

“We are here to impress upon you how much we each appreciate, admire and respect what your families have done over a century while involved in Wyoming agriculture,” stated Barrasso. “It truly is amazing. Talk about people with grit, endurance and determination – those are the people in this tent today.” 

“It is not easy to keep a business going for 100 years and when it is a family business, well it certainly doesn’t make it any easier, so we would like to extend our congratulations to all of you for being able to accomplish this,” said Miyamoto. 

“You have to be even tougher to do it in Wyoming, but it really does provide the flavor, culture and heritage of what this state is,” he continued. “I would like to send out my heartfelt congratulations for the work you all have been able to do. This is a very special honor, and you all should be proud.” 

Magagna agreed family operations are the backbone of the Cowboy State.

“Family farms and ranches are the foundation of the agriculture industry in Wyoming and, frankly, the foundation of what our state is – open spaces, wildlife and the opportunity for energy and development,” he said. “They always exist because of what you and others have done on the land, so it is really important to continue moving forward.” 

“While we are in these times of transition and disruption, people are envious of the fact we still have stability, values and a culture of agriculture that runs through our veins and is embedded in our hearts, and it is all because of you. Thank you all so much and congratulations for sticking with it for over 100 years,” added Lummis. 

Gordon wrapped up the opening remarks, stating, “All I want to say is thank you for persevering. My hat is off to you. Keep it up and God bless you all.” 

Presentation of honors

Glenn announced each family and called them to the stage to be recognized, share a photo op with the governor and senators and receive a sign they can put up on their operations.

Those recognized include the Gammon, Miller and Stoltz families of GGM, LLC in Johnson and Sheridan counties, established in 1907; the Fred and Penny Hepp family of Hepp Ranch in Johnson County; the Gallinger family of Jim Gallinger’s Place on the North Fork in Fremont County, established in 1924 and the Springman family of Springman Ranch in Sublette County, established in 1924.

Three operations in Crook County were also honored, including the Cranston family of Greenhill Ranch, established in 1915; the Jenkins family of Holcomb Ranch, established in 1920 and the Svoboda family of the Svoboda Ranch, established in 1923. 

Hannah Bugas is the managing editor of the Wyoming Livestock Rundup. Send comments on this article to

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