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Postcard from the Past: Class of ’26 to Graduate Next Tuesday

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Thus was the headline in the June 2, 1926 issue of the Branding Iron, the student newspaper at the University of Wyoming (UW). Following is the news item.

Next Tuesday morning will witness the graduation of the class of  ’26, the largest graduation class in the history of UW and the first graduation class to be “fathered” by President A.G. Crane, the present senior class having entered the university at the coming of Crane to the university four years ago.

The seniors made their appearance on the campus attired in cap and gown for the first time at honor assembly yesterday morning and last night voted to wear these garments during the remainder of commencement week. 

Commencement week was officially opened last Friday with the president’s reception to the class of ’26 and will be resumed next Friday evening at 8 p.m. by the giving of the pageant “The Indian Paintbrush.” 

Following the pageant, the seniors will give the annual Black and White Ball.

Next Saturday evening, in the auditorium, Miss Clara Young will appear in a piano recital. 

Sunday will be marked by several events – the breakfast for senior women at 9 a.m. at Hotel Connor, the baccalaureate address in the auditorium by Bishop H. Lester Smith and the reception to visitors and friends at Hoyt Hall. 

Monday afternoon will be the meeting of the university’s alumni association, and on Monday afternoon, the various sororities will be at home to students and visitors at a tea to be given on the university campus. Later in the afternoon, swimming exhibitions will be staged by men and women in the Department of Physical Education, and Monday evening at 6:10 p.m. will be held the annual alumni banquet. 

All those who are to attend this occasion are urged to make their reservations at once. “Class night” will conclude the commencement events of Monday. 

On Tuesday morning, the week’s activities will be brought to an end by the commencement exercises which will be featured by an address by Dr. George Willard Frasier, president of Colorado State Teachers College.

At the graduation exercises next Tuesday, the faculty will continue to observe the commencement ceremonies by appearing in cap and gown and marching with the seniors from the administration building to the new gymnasium. In the procession will also march the members of the University Board of Trustees in session at the time. The trustees will also attend the alumni banquet on Monday evening.

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