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Postcard from the Past: Bull Sale at Denver

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

There is such a demand among stockmen from all over the West for choice bulls for their herds that arrangements are being made for the usual public sales of purebred bulls during National Western Stock Show week in Denver Jan. 18-23.

The Western Hereford Breeders Association has announced a sale of bulls from its members in Colorado and Wyoming. These are from the best Western herds and will be sold at a public sale. 

Some Shorthorn breeders are arranging for a sale, and for those looking for carloads of bulls for range use, it is expected there will be several hundred choice bulls on sale during the week – mostly animals that have been bred in the West and others that have been in the state for some time – so, from a health standpoint, stockmen need have no fear of disease in buying these animals.

The demand for purebred and high-grade bulls was never stronger than at present and is due to the fact range stockmen are going back into the breeding business instead of depending upon the South for steers.

Ranch news from the Jan. 7, 1915, issue of The Saratoga Sun.

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