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Postcard from the Past: Let Us Give Thanks

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

A full page advertisement in the Nov. 25, 1926 issue of The Casper Herald presents the following passages:

As Thanksgiving nears, we’re prompted to ask ourselves, “What have we to be thankful for?” 

Upon sincere retrospection, the answer will come, “Many, many blessings!” 

Has not our generous Creator seen fit to bestow upon us peace and plenty – an undisturbed contentment and happiness which makes life worth living and a prosperity the steady growth of which assures us of the still brighter future to come?

Think of what few blessings our Pilgrim forbearers had, what hardships fell to their lot, and yet, how after their first meager harvest, they found within their hearts to set aside a day of Thanksgiving. 

And how, on this day, on bended knees, they offered up devotion to God for His kindness and generosity. When we compare the little they had with ALL we have, surely our conscience urges us to be thankful.

Someone has said gratitude is the greatest of all human emotions. It is with gratitude the whole nation observes on Thanksgiving day each year.

May the spirit of Thanksgiving pervade every Casper citizen tomorrow, and may each and every one realize every Casper citizen has much for which to give thanks. We are thoroughly appreciative of this fact.

Every man has something for which to be thankful. Remember this. There is always someone who suffers more than you do. In helping others, we find true happiness.

The pilgrims, living close to starvation in fearful cold, were devoutly thankful for the little they enjoyed. Luxuries were unknown and comforts few.

In pleasing contrast are the innumerable blessings for which Casper will give thanks, such as peace, health, prosperity and happy homes.

And from the Nov. 17, 1921 issue of the Torrington Telegram comes this prayer:

Give Thanks

We thank Thee, Father, for all that is bright –

the gleam of the day and the stars of the night,

the flowers of our youth and the fruits of our prime

and the blessings that march down the pathways of time.

We Thank Thee, O Father, for all that is dear –

the sob of the tempest, the flow of the tear,

for never in blindness and never in vain

thy mercy permitted a sorrow or pain.

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