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Postcard from the Past

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

by Dick Perue

In observance of Labor Day, the Aug. 31, 1924 issue of  the Casper Daily Tribune best expressed the sentiments of the time and celebration in a full page advertisement. Today, we are proud to pass along some of the wisdom and praise from the ad.

By legislative act this day, Sept. 1, is set aside in honor of labor.

In our celebration of it, let us remember always one of the noblest things man can do is to produce, and American labor can and does produce scientifically and conscientiously is attested by the fact our products are famous throughout all foreign lands.

Pausing a moment today, in the midst of our activities, one cannot help but feel a robust enthusiasm in the achievements of our Knights of Labor.

What a mighty force is labor. It is the great underlying force which rules the world today and rules it well. May we join with other business institutions in Casper in doing honor to labor upon the date set aside for them.

Tomorrow we set aside an entire day in honor of the builders of our nation, our laboring men. It is a day of rest from toil and a day upon which the whole world honors the working man. All of us are working men in one sense or another, so let us do honor to each other on the morrow.

All that is created, everything material, all that is beautiful, with the exception of nature’s works, is the direct result of the labor of man. All honor to labor on Labor Day.

No day passes in which we do not look with wonder upon the work of labor. Yet, it is not until Labor Day forcibly calls our attention to the existence of this element to which we pause to fittingly observe the work.

The laboring man is our greatest friend. Were it not for his power, prosperity would become a dead impossibility and the world would cease to progress.

When one gazes upon a colossal work of the hand of man, do they stop to consider the motive power behind the work? Labor is the world’s mightiest force, and Labor day takes place as one of America’s greatest holidays. 

Tomorrow we honor our laboring men.

Tomorrow we cease our labors to pay fitting respects to the hosts of labor to whom the great developments of this wonderful nation are largely attributed. It is therefore both fitting and appropriate the wheels of industry should cease on this day in order this homage may be adequately paid to them.

This country is gradually approaching a period of a greater understanding between the forces of capital and labor. We hope and pray the time will soon arrive when both realize neither can do without the other. 

Labor Day observances are stepping stones in the right direction.

In union there is strength. The unionized labor of the U.S. proves conclusively only by brotherhood of interests can their supreme ambitions be realized. We believe in the aims and principles of the working man whose strength has made possible this great commonwealth.

The first Monday in September each year has been nationally dedicated to the ranks of labor and rightfully so. The progress and prosperity of our nation and state depends upon the works of labor, and may its commendable past be perpetuated everlastingly.

We couldn’t have said it any better. We salute and praise all those who labor!

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