The Teamster

By George Bugas
His hair is getting grayer,
and he’s lost a step or two.
Prob’ly never will retire –
that’s not what ranchers do.
His wife’s been such a trooper,
stood by him all these years –
the drought, low prices, hard work,
the laughter and the tears.
The kids were flying in this year,
the plans had all been set.
It was really up to him now –
make this the best Christmas yet.
She had warned him real early
to get his plan in place,
he knew that she was serious
by the look upon her face.
So he scratched a letter to Santa
on an old Ranch-Way feed tag.
He needed something different
not a gift from that red bag.
He threw it in the mailbox
with a postage and a prayer.
Would old Saint Nick help him out,
or did he even care?
He hated to ask such a favor,
him being so busy on this day,
but he knew he had the team hitched
to that iconic old red sleigh.
Fresh bread, pies and casseroles –
a traditional holiday.
She had held up her end,
but that always was her way.
So when the dawn had broken,
his heart filled with delight,
old Santa had delivered
on that snowy Christmas night.
So here’s to that old teamster
with his eight up in the air,
who helped out this old rancher
and fed the cows with care.
Because Christmas is more than people,
it’s taking care of critters too.
It makes our life worth living –
something Santa always knew.