Excellent Sermon to the G.A.R. Veterans
By Dick Perue
Thus read an article in the May 27, 1914 issue of the Laramie Republican.
Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of the Methodist church, delivered an excellent sermon yesterday at the Presbyterian church to the veterans of the Civil War, the W.R.C. and a church full of friends.
The sermon was on the subject, “Lest We Forget,” the preacher taking the Children of Israel as the chosen and showing by their wandering how they came to the promised land.
He urged even the veterans of the war not to think they had accomplished all in life, but they should push forward, accomplishing other things in life and doing other work planned for them.
The music for the occasion was quite inspiring. The members of Custer Post and Custer W.R.C. marched to the church in a body, the large flag used at the Baptist church having been loaned for the day, the post flag being locked in the post room, which none present were able to unlock.
The day was fine.
Veterans Day History and Facts
Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day because it marked the one year anniversary of the temporary cessation of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany during World War I. The armistice went into effect at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.
In 1926, Congress passed a resolution to make Veterans Day an annual occurrence, but it didn’t become a federal holiday until 1938.
In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower changed the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day so it would honor all veterans rather than commemorate the end of a single war.
Officially, Veterans Day is always Nov. 11, but holiday office closures may shift when Veterans Day lands on a weekend. If Nov. 11 is a Sunday, businesses may observe the holiday the following day. If it lands on a Saturday, businesses might close on Friday instead.
While Memorial Day honors Americans who died in the line of duty, Veterans Day commemorates all Americans who have served their country honorably, both living and deceased.
No, “Veterans Day” without the apostrophe is not a grammatical error. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the holiday doesn’t belong to veterans, in which case it would be Veterans’ Day, but is “a day for honoring all veterans.”
Though some schools close on Veterans Day, there is no standard rule for all educational institutions in the country. Local school boards make the determination for public schools, while officials at private schools, colleges and universities decide whether to hold classes on Nov. 11.
Most American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts celebrate Veterans Day with some type of observance.
In Saratoga, all veterans are invited to dinner Nov. 12, hosted by Angus England Post 54, the Auxiliary and the Sons of the Legion. A special program relating the history of a WWII prisoner of war camp at Ryan Park will be presented by Air Force Veteran Dick Perue.