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Same, Old Politics In 1921

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

By Dick Perue

Politics haven’t changed much over the years as noted in editorials printed in Wyoming weekly newspapers over 100 years ago. Following is what the Osage Driller & Dry Farmer editorialized in its Oct. 20, 1921 issue.

The Worst
in 20 Years

It is rather interesting to note the tone which the leading Republican papers of the country adopt toward Hon. Frank Mondell and the other leaders of the present House of Representatives. For example, take the following from the Boston Transcript, a staunch Republican paper, in its issue of May 20, 1922. 

“Certainly, the record of the ringleaders of the Republican House of Representatives is regarded as stamping the present Congress as the worst that has plagued the country in 20 years – the worst, not because the individual congressman is below the average, but because the ringleaders – men of the type of Mondell, Anthony, Kelly, Madden, et al. – are UNFIT TO LEAD ANY PARTY ENTITLED TO REMAIN IN POWER.”

If Mr. Mondell is unfit in the eyes of the Republican press of the country to hold his present position, by what theory can he be regarded as entitled to promotion to the U.S. Senate? – Kemmerer Camera.

It has been the policy of the Republican party for a generation to protect the big industries on the grounds that they need protection from foreign manufactures while at the same time that party was giving little protection to American producers of raw materials.

That party has been so lax in the protection of stock growers that leading Democrats have had to take action in the matter to enable the Senate to pass an amendment to the tariff bill increasing the duty on fresh beef from two cents to three and one-half cents. J. B. Kendrick not only voted for this amendment, but he discussed the issue in the Senate with Democratic and Republican opponents.

Why didn’t “our Frank,” who wants to favor big manufacturers, look after the interests of Wyoming stock growers a little more? If a high tariff is good for one, it is good for the other.

Sometimes, men make mistakes by supporting the man. Many a good man, morally, has never caught the vision of his duty to humanity. 

Many a man has been so good as to observe the Sabbath and affiliate himself with some church, yet he has always turned a deaf ear to the cry of the needy women and children, of the land and used his influence to further the interests of grafters who “devour widows houses,” and make slaves of little children in shops and factories.

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