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The Weekly News Source for Wyoming's Ranchers, Farmers and AgriBusiness Community

Cold Desserts for Hot Days

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

By Dick Perue

Thus reads the headline in the Sunday, June 29, 1930 issue of The Cheyenne Citizen, with this story to follow.

Desserts wholesome for all the family and easily prepared are the kind that appeal to the busy mother during warm summer months. A few simple recipes are given below.

Junket Cream Ice Cream

Mix together four cups lukewarm milk, one cup heavy cream, one and one-fourth cups sugar and one-eighth teaspoon salt. Add one and one-half junket tablets dissolved in one teaspoon of cold water and turn into a bowl to set. Add one teaspoonful each of almond and vanilla extract and green coloring to pleasing appearance and freeze. 

Use one can of peaches, filling cavity of each half with a blanched almond. If home canned peaches are used, add enough sugar to make heavy syrup when boiled down. If heavy syrup commercially canned peaches, add one-third cup sugar and boil slowly until thick. Place one-half of peach on each serving of frozen junket.

Peppermint Ice Cream 

Dissolve one-half pound of peppermint stick candy in two quarts of sweet milk. If not sweet enough to taste, add sugar and freeze until slushy. Add one-half pint of cream, whipped. This is very refreshing and a favorite with children.

Caramel Bisque 

Make a custard of two cups of milk, three egg yolks and one-third cup sugar. Caramelize two-thirds cup sugar and add two-thirds cup English walnut meats. Turn into a buttered pan to cool. Pound and pass through a puree strainer, add to custard. Whip and add one-half pint heavy cream and freeze.

Frozen Bananas

Slice thinly, six large firm bananas, add one-half pound of powdered sugar and let stand for half an hour. Add one quart of water, grated rind of one lemon and two tablespoons of lemon juice. When sugar is dissolved, freeze.

Strawberry Ice Cream 

Crush two quarts of strawberries, mix in one and one-half cups sugar and let stand one-half hour. Whip one pint cream and slightly freeze. Put strawberries through puree strainer, add to cream and freeze thoroughly.

Strawberry Sauce

Crush one pint of fresh strawberries and sweeten to taste. Serve over vanilla ice cream made of one quart of thin cream, three-fourths cup sugar and one and one-half teaspoons vanilla, frozen.

Note: any fresh fruit may be used in this way or if preferred, left whole and chilled.

The Five Threes

Juice pulp of three oranges, juice of three lemons, three crushed bananas, small can crushed pineapple and three cups of sugar may be thoroughly blended and frozen until slushy. Add three cups of milk, mix well and freeze thoroughly.

Peach Ice Cream

Make a custard of two eggs, two quarts of milk, four cups sugar and one-half cup flour and cool. Add very ripe peaches, well crushed and one pint whipped cream, freeze.

Children’s Delight

Bake four well washed apples until thoroughly done. Separate the meat of the apple from the peel and core, mash up in a bowl. Whip two egg whites and add gradually two-thirds cup of sugar. Whip into apple pulp and set in the ice box for several hours. The longer the egg and apple are beaten, the better the result.

A pleasing variation is to spread the apple fluff one-half inch thick between and on top of honey graham crackers, stacking three together before placing in ice box.

Floating Island

Heat in double broiler one-quart sweet milk. When scalding hot, stir in two well beaten egg yolks and one-half cup sugar moistened with two tablespoons cold milk. Flavor with nutmeg or vanilla; beat whites of eggs to stiff froth and sweeten to taste. Drop by spoonfuls into hot custard. Scald and turn out into bowl to cool. Chill thoroughly in ice box. 

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