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The Weekly News Source for Wyoming's Ranchers, Farmers and AgriBusiness Community

Aquatone – Waterway to Health

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

By Dick Perue

Last week, we reported on the health benefits of both “hot and mineral water.” This week, we continue with a news release I wrote several years ago when I was conducting historical tours of my hometown of Saratoga. The following is part of the article. 

“If you value good health, it will be worth your while to read this carefully,” proclaims a 1924 brochure for the Paulson Medicinal Well Co. of Saratoga. The company was promoting its newest natural product, “Aquatone – The Waterway to Health.”

History of this fascinating product and the building, which housed the famous bottling works, will be related June 3 during the Saratoga Museum history trek by Trek Guide and Local Historian, Dick Perue. History of the magic waters will be explored during the walking tour. 

Marian Berger and Jamie Campbell, descendants of J. D. Paulson, founder of the Medicinal Well Co., will present history of the well and bottling works at the original location east of the Upper North Platte River on Bridge Street.

In part, a 1924 Paulson Medicinal Well pamphlet reads, “Are you troubled with indigestion, palpitation of the heart, dizziness? Are you always ‘tired out’, and lacking in bodily vigor?”

“If so, your kidneys, liver and other internal organs are not functioning properly. The human system often becomes poisoned by accumulation of impurities the organs of elimination are unable to throw off unaided. In time, these poisons invariably induce Bright’s disease, diabetes, rheumatism, dropsy, high blood pressure, etc.,” it continues.

Fortunately, you may easily render valuable assistance to nature in restoring your bodily vigor and vitality by drinking Aquatone.”

“This remarkable natural water, which possesses so many extraordinary remedial qualities, comes from the earth-depth of Wyoming. It is all that its name implies because of the unusual virtues, which are inherent therein, due to its radioactive properties and its chemical constituents.”

“We believe that in no other mineral water known are there found medicinal properties in such perfect proportions for bringing about the desired changes in the tissues of the body – properties to cleanse the blood, eradicate disease, increase the appetite, aid digestion and assimilation and facilitate the proper functioning of the vital organs.”

“Aquatone possesses properties to help or cure most of the ailment with which men and women are afflicted. This fact has been established beyond question. Sufferers in every state in the Union have been cured since its discovery a few years ago, and thousands will be cured in the days to come. It not only benefits the sick, but helps to preserve the health of all who use it.”

“Aquatone is positively a natural water…” Hold it right there, if you want to be cured by this marvelous water, you’ll have to join the history trek, I added.

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