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Superior Livestock offers lamb marketing

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Published on April 11, 2020

After a 20-year hiatus in the sheep business, Superior Livestock will begin offering lamb and breeding stock marketing services in the summer of 2020.

            Superior Livestock Representative Cort Jensen notes the process will be similar to how the company currently markets cattle. 

            “We will go to wherever the sheep are located and video them on site,” Jensen explains. “Producers will need to fill out a contract that outlines how many head, weight, breed types, vaccinations and delivery dates.” 

            He continues, “From there, we will put the herd in an online auction. Unlike with conventional marketing methods, producers can offer their lambs at auction, to a large base of registered buyers, while still at the ranch, and lambs are shown in their natural surroundings.”

            Joe Lichtie, vice president of Superior Livestock, notes this is not the first time the company has offered lamb marketing services. 

            “We had a representative who was really involved with lambs in the late 1980s, but after he retired we just didn’t pick it back up,” Lichtie explains. “We are planning on starting back up this summer with auctions.” 


            Jensen notes Superior Livestock charges a two percent commission on the sale side and a 50-cent consignment fee per head. 

            “One thing we do like to see producers have available prior to Superior arriving is a history of lamb weights,” says Jensen. “Even if that information isn’t available, we can help with that.”

            Jensen notes Superior’s process works better with larger producers because most buyers are looking to fill at least a semi-load of lambs.

            “We want to see loads of at least 45,000 pounds, which translates into a minimum of 450 lambs, but ideally closer to 500,” Jensen explains. 

            He continues, “We also sell breeding stock such as mature ewes and yearlings, the only difference is the commission is three percent, otherwise the process is still the same.”

            “This is really an an easy process and is reassuring to buyers because they can be confident the check will be good and don’t have to worry about transportation and processing, which is covered by the buyer,” Jensen explains.

            Lichtie notes those interested in purchasing lambs through Superior should contact the main office in Fort Worth, Texas. From there, buyers can get paperwork settled and establish financial responsibility. 

Why Superior? 

            “One of the biggest pros of using Superior Livestock is price transparency,” Jensen says. “Unlike the cattle markets, which are very public and open, the sheep markets tend to be very closed door and private.” 

            He continues, “A lot of people don’t really know what’s going on with prices so they look to sales in places like San Angelo, Texas or Centennial Auctions in Fort Collins, Colo. as a benchmark for prices.” 

            The problem with that is, those auctions are really small loads. Producers should be getting a premium for consistent quality and quantity. Superior aims to provide transparent prices so producers know what they are getting beforehand,” Jensen explains. “This is what Superior has been doing for cattle and what we will be able to do for sheep producers.” 

            “There is ease of selling with the Superior method because producers don’t have to worry about transportation or finding a buyer,” he says. “We do all the hard work, all producers have to do is sit back and wait for the auction.” 

            “As we enter the lamb marketing business again, we are in contact with feeders throughout the West, from North Dakota to California, to ensure producers can get best prices and there is as much competition as possible,” says Lichtie.

            Callie Hanson is the managing editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to

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