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Youth highlighted during WSF

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Douglas – The 106th Wyoming State Fair brought significant changes to Douglas, with a shortened schedule and a more action-packed event, but the focus of the fair has stayed the same – youth engagement and our agriculture heritage.

Wyoming Department of Agriculture Director Doug Miyamoto says, “All of the 4-H and FFA competitions that have traditionally been part of the fair are included in our new schedule, and we continue to focus on youth competition and the agricultural heritage of Wyoming in a festive environment that is more exciting from beginning to end.” 

Over the past two years, as he has advocated for the annual event, Miyamoto likens the Wyoming State Fair to state basketball, state football or state track championships, noting 4-H and FFA members prepare year-round for the opportunity to compete at the Wyoming State Fair.

“The difference is,” he comments, “many of these youth will continue their projects into their adulthood as their career. The Wyoming State Fair is important for young people.”

This week, members of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup team spent their week at state fair, interacting with youth across the grounds during shows, as they prepared their livestock. Check out page 8 to see their stories. Next week, be sure to look for the youth winners from the Wyoming State Fair.

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