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Wyo Ag in the Classroom Announces Bookmark Winners

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

The Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom (WAIC) Bookmark Program continues to be a powerful way for students across the state to share an impactful agriculture and natural resource message with their peers through amazing artwork.

WAIC is thrilled to see the participation numbers rise this year. The contest is open to students in grades 2-5 across the state. This year, WAIC received a record number of submissions, with over 3,000 entries and all 23 counties participating.

The 11 finalists were invited to Cheyenne for a day to meet Gov. Mead and enjoy a luncheon celebration, followed by an agricultural canvas painting. We appreciate the opportunity to share photos of the students and their artwork over the next few weeks for all to see the talented work of our youth.

The increase in the Bookmark Program participation is just the first milestone to come for WAIC this year. We are hard at work planning for the Wyoming Stewardship Project. Educators from across the state will join WAIC and the Wyoming Department of Education this summer to continue revising and writing units for classrooms. This project has the opportunity to truly make a shift for our students in their understanding and engagement in the future of our state. The mission is for students to gain an understanding of Wyoming’s vast resources and become informed citizens, capable of serving as stewards for Wyoming’s future.

The Bookmark and Wyoming Stewardship Project are just two examples of the profound work WAIC is committed to. Our progress is Wyoming’s progress and we are truly grateful for all the support across the state. Thank you to all those who are helping us make a difference!

Over the next 10 weeks, photos of students with their bookmarks will be found in the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. For more information on WAIC, visit

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