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Republicans look at Wyoming constitution, constitutional rights during dinner

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Torrington – On April 2, the Goshen County Republican Party held their annual Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner at the Rendezvous Center in Torrington. The dinner is held every other year to raise money for the county Republican Party.

At the event guest were able to enjoy dinner and drinks, participate in the silent auction and listen to a guest speaker. The Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner is a way to not only raise money for the party but to bring the Republican community together.

This year, the Goshen County Republican Party hosted guest speakers David Barton and Harriet Hageman.

America’s forgotten history

“We asked historian David Barton to speak at the Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner,” said Lee Hageman, precinct committeewoman and president of the Goshen County Republican Women, “because of his incredible knowledge of the Constitution. We thought it was important to re-educate our guests about their Constitutional rights.”

Barton is a self-taught historian and influential leader for America’s forgotten history. He emphasizes America’s moral, religious and constitutional heritage.

At the Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner, he talked to the audience about the importance of the United States Constitution and how the government has manipulated Americans to the point where they’ve forgotten their American rights.

  Barton believes more in the citizens of the United States and less in the government, which he asserts is greedy with control. Throughout the presentation, he constantly informed the audience of historical facts and constitutional rights.

He believes that the older generations need to teach each successive generation the importance of liberty and freedom. History classes in school are slowly being eliminated, because the government wants fewer people to know how important history truly is.

Americans have forgotten that the U.S. government was created to work for the citizens of the United States, he comments.

“Money does not belong to the government. It belongs to individuals, and to steal money from individuals through whatever government spending program is taking private property,” said Barton.

Wyoming Constitution

Guest speaker Harriet Hageman is a native to Wyoming. She grew up on a ranch near Fort Laramie.

Hageman is founding member of Hageman Law P.C. in Cheyenne, and she has spent a lot of her life studying the Wyoming Constitution.

“We also invited Attorney Harriet Hageman to speak because of her knowledge and passion for the Wyoming Constitution,” said Lee Hageman. “Our committee felt the two speakers would complement each other well.”

In her presentation, Hageman reached out to the audience in helping them understand their rights as  Wyoming citizens and how the constitution is there to protect citizens from the government.

“Wyoming citizens need to understand the importance of the Wyoming Constitution, as it is our founding document and sets us apart as a state from other states,” explained Hageman. “It is designed to ensure that the government cannot infringe upon our inalienable rights, rights that were granted by God.”

The government was never created to have control over the people, she asserts, noting that rather, it was created to work on behalf of the people.

“In this century, the people forget that fact and allow the government to run over the top of us. The government is supposed to work for us, not the other way around,” explained Hageman.

“A person needs to look at the constitution as a whole,” said Hageman. “It is the entire framework that was created by our founders for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the state of Wyoming from government overreach and tyranny.”

Hageman is a strong believer in the Wyoming Constitution and said that the issues Wyoming faces today will not change until Wyoming citizens study the constitution and push for their protection and rights that the state’s founding fathers created.

Success and inspiration

“We think our Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner was a tremendous success and we received positive feedback from attendees that came from all over the state.  We were also able to raise funds needed to do the work of the Goshen County Republican Party,” said Lee Hageman.


Wyoming Republican Party

The Wyoming Republican Party is a non-profit organization that believes in Wyoming’s potential and acts as the guardian of Wyoming’s conservative values and principles.

The Goshen County Republican Party is one out of the 23 Wyoming Republican county parties. Each county party puts on benefits to raise money for renting facilities to hold candidate forums and advertisement. Each county party also pays “county shares” to the Wyoming Republican Party, which go to helping elect Republicans nationally and statewide.

Goshen County Republicans meet several times throughout the year. Meetings are open to the public and people are encouraged to come and get involved within the Party.


Sarah Herold is an intern for the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to

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