Lander receives top honors
Denver, Colo. – The Lander Valley High School Livestock Judging team received the Reserve Grand Champion Award at Denver’s National Western Stock Show earlier this month. The team members are Jess Oldham, Colby Voxland, Alicia Espinosa and Mark McConnell. They are coached by Lander FFA Advisor Mike McConnell.
The contest was held in Denver, Colo. and more than 900 youth from more than 35 states along with Alberta, Canada attended the Western National Roundup Jan. 8-12. The contest includes placing 10 classes of livestock, including goats, swine, sheep and beef, and four sets of oral reasons.
Team members saw impressive successes.
Jess Oldham placed fifth in goat evaluation, fourth in swine evaluation, seventh in beef evaluation, sixth in overall placings, eighth in overall reasons and fifth high individual in the nation.
Mark McConnell came in 10th in sheep evaluation, third in beef evaluation and 11th high individual in the nation.
Colby Voxland placed eighth in sheep production, ninth in reasons and 16th high individual overall.
Alicia Espinosa was 10th in overall placings and 21st high individual in the nation.
As a team, the Lander FFA placed ninth in goat evaluation, third in sheep evaluation, fifth in swine evaluation, third in beef evaluation, fourth in overall placings, third overall in reasons and was the second high team in the nation.
Top five teams in order, Indiana, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas and Oklahoma.
Lander’s team is among the six top teams in the nation who have been invited to the international contest.