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New and Amended Policies and Directives – Adopted December 2013

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Brand Committee

Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA) strongly supports maintaining Wyoming’s status as a fence-out state for cattle and horses. 

Ag Finance and Tax Committee

WSGA urges that an effort be made to address the extreme fluctuation in agricultural land assessed valuation due to commodity prices.

Wildlife Committee

Whereas major predators including wolves and grizzly bears pose a significant burden to both livestock and other wildlife; and

Whereas the Wyoming Game and Fish Department has assumed a significant role in the management of these species, including the investigation and compensation for livestock losses; and

Whereas funding these activities through license fees places an unfair burden on Wyoming sportsmen;

Therefore, be it resolved that the WSGA support the appropriation of general fund monies for the purposes of wolf and grizzly bear management.

Private and State Lands Committee

1. Whereas the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is promulgating regulations that define air quality; and 

Whereas most rural ranchers rely on rural electric co-operatives; and 

Whereas other Wyoming areas rely on western coal-fired power plants for electricity; and 

Whereas any loss of electricity will negatively impact the custom and culture of agriculture; 

Therefore, be it resolved that WSGA opposes EPA regulations that further restrict air quality issues in Wyoming and the nation.

2. WSGA supports increasing the penalty for trespassing to hunt on private land to a level that would provide a deterrent to trespassing.

Water Committee

Whereas the Wyoming Water Development Office’s small water projects program has created significant public benefit through agricultural, wildlife and habitat improvements; and 

Whereas design and construction costs have increased significantly since the program was established; 

Therefore, be it resolved WSGA supports increasing the financial limits for both total project cost and state funding and the extension of the program.  

Livestock Health Committee

WSGA supports using general fund appropriated monies for brucellosis testing in areas of imminent concern as designated by the Wyoming Livestock Board and approved by the Governor.

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