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She is Leaving

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

    “The woman most dangerous to America’s economy has announced she will leave her post in January.” These are the words that Steve Dittmer of the Agribusiness Freedom Foundation wrote in his opinion piece posted on Jan. 2.

He was talking about Lisa Jackson, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency in the first term of President Obama. This is the lady who wanted to regulate dust on your ranch, farm or feedlot and has put the death sentence on the coal industry, and we hear that she was not too high on natural gas. So, she hasn’t been too poplar in Wyoming to say the least. 

As Dittmer wrote, “Lisa Jackson has been one of the Obama lieutenants most willing to run roughshod over statutory limitations, most willing to allow bureaucrats to write their own rules (notice there were no Congressional debate over our new mileage standards this time) and totally ignore legal reporting requirements regarding her regulatory agenda. Most of all, time and time again, Jackson has proven oblivious to the economic costs or the impact on industries and jobs from paralyzing regulations hobbling fundamental industries like oil, gas, electricity, transportation, in effect, all manufacturing and production.” 

He did fail to mention how Jackson has wanted to redefine Wyoming’s rivers and streams, including the ones that are dry most of the year.

Lisa Jackson and her boss, President Obama, both believe in climatism – the belief that man-made greenhouse gases are destroying the planet. They believe coal-fired power plants are “factories of death,” so any and all means must be used to eliminate all coal plants and other greenhouse gas sources. 

Lisa Jackson has learned well from her old boss Carol Browner, former Al Gore staffer and EPA administrator for then-President Bill Clinton. Now, she is the Energy Czar for the current administration. Remember all the current Czars don’t have to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate, and in 1988, Browner had her general counsel issue a memorandum arguing that EPA had the power to adopt sweeping globing warming regulations without Congressional approval. There are currently suspicions of both Jackson and Browner using alias e-mail accounts and reformatting hard drives to get around the laws and federal court rulings.

I’ve read that Jackson is resigning in protest because President Obama may approve TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline in the coming months. The bad part is also that the pipeline has to be approved by the State Department since it crosses international borders, and the proposed new head of that department is Senator John Kerry, who doesn’t like the pipeline any more than Jackson does. In 2011, Kerry, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, pledged that “no stone would remain unturned” as senators examined the environmental impact of the Keystone XL pipeline. 

It will be interesting to see who will replace Jackson as the head of EPA, whose decisions can make life difficult for those of us in the West. We may see President Obama’s true colors shine in the next four years, but if he approves the pipeline, it will show he also has to keep the economy going to dig our way out of debt. 



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