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The Weekly News Source for Wyoming's Ranchers, Farmers and AgriBusiness Community

State Fair

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

       State Fair week is fast approaching and everyone at the Roundup is involved in the planning of who takes pictures, who covers what and where everyone should be at a certain time. I should say all except the publisher, who happens to be untrainable but knows the events of State Fair week by heart now.
     As always, State Fair offers something for everyone involved in agriculture. Remember, this event is a state fair and that means it is your fair to enjoy, participate in and learn from. Whether you are involved in or like to watch rodeo, there is plenty of rodeo activities for you. There are two days of the PRCA rodeo, but also a ranch rodeo, PRCA Extreme Bulls and the big event, miniature bull riding and chuck wagon races. I haven’t seen it yet, but I hear the miniature bulls and their riders are quite a sight to see.
    The ranch horse competition and the Wyoming Ropefest are two large events, both in the arena and in the stands. Both are very popular events. Events just to sit back and watch are the Demolition Derby and antique tractor pull and, unless you’re really looking for some action, stay in the stands for the Pigs ‘n’ Mud wrestling.
    As with any large event, there are plenty of meetings to attend. Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom and the Wyoming Beef Council both meet Thursday. The Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom Board has a new Program Coordinator – Brook Gerke from Wheatland. What a talented young lady; that group is very fortunate to have her on board and we wish her well. Also, the Wyoming Livestock Board is having a listening session on Wednesday morning on disease preparedness. And, for those interested, the newly formed Wyoming Horse Council is having a meeting in Douglas on Aug. 9. And don’t forget all of the 4-H and FFA events, too.
    The Wyoming Livestock Roundup is involved in two events that you are all invited to attend on Wednesday. The Roundup and Double S Feeders from Wheatland sponsor the Cattlemen’s Conference at 1 p.m. in McKibben Caferteria. There are some great speakers from the Wyoming Governor’s Office discussing a Wyoming Safe Harbor Program for sage grouse. Representatives from the Washington, D.C. USDA office will discuss COOL and its new rules. Instead of reading the 233-page COOL rules, you can attend and listen to Bruce Knight and ask your questions. Also speaking are the Executive Vice President and a Director of the Paragon Foundation from New Mexico with a great talk.
    Later that evening the Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame Picnic, sponsored by the Roundup, Farm Credit Services of America and EnCana Oil and Gas will take place at 5:30 p.m. at Riverside Park just west of the State Fairgrounds. It will be an enjoyable evening honoring the two new Hall of Fame honorees, Jim Magagna and Del Tinsley. Our two U.S. Senators will present the awards to three Wyoming teachers honored by Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom. Susan Thomas, wife of the late Senator Thomas, will honor someone from her foundation. And besides the free meal you will get to meet all of the rodeo queens from around the state who are running for Miss Rodeo Wyoming.
    Again, there is something for everyone. See you there.

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